Accessing ASP classic Collection variable in JQuery


New Member
Hi guys im just new with asp classic and jquery and am just wondering if there is a way wherein i can pass my collection variables to jquery. my goal is to make the variables slide down one at a time. I came across the .slideDown function on jquery so i tried using it but doesn't seem to work so i guess what's wrong is my mark up... any help will be greatly appreciated. ASP CODE: \[code\] <% Dim objDictionary, Key,searchWord, myVar,a,i, break searchWord = request.QueryString("searchWord") break = Response.write("<br />") Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objDictionary.CompareMode=1 objDictionary.Add "Hello","hello" objDictionary.Add "Age","age" objDictionary.Add "height","height" objDictionary.Add "sample","sample" objDictionary.Add "words","words" if objDictionary.Exists(searchWord) then objDictionary.Remove(searchWord) a = objDictionary.Keys for i=0 to objDictionary.Count-1 Response.Write(a(i)) break next set objDictionary=nothing else a = objDictionary.Keys for i=0 to objDictionary.Count-1 Response.Write(a(i)) break next set objDictionary=nothing end if %>\[/code\] JQUERY CODE:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#toFall").slideDown("slow");});</script>\[/code\]