Accessing an excel s/sheet and saving changes


Hi there,<br />
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As part of the company intranet, I am linking from a web page to an excel spreadsheet, such that the s/sheet is displayed within the browser.<br />
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When I work locally, I am able to make changes to the spreadsheet and save them. However, when I migrated the content to our server, I'm no longer able to do this. On the server, I'm prompted to specify the location where I want to save the modified file (rather than the update being transparent).<br />
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Is there a way around this problem? I'm not familiar with ASP or PHP and was hoping there may be an alternative to using these???<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Matt<!--content-->post your code which you say works so that some one can take a look.<!--content-->I'm sure that there isn't much code to look at Khalid.<br />
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Probably just a link like:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.theServer/aFolder/excelFile.xls">http://www.theServer/aFolder/excelFile.xls</a><!-- m --><br />
(not a real link... just so ya know ;) )<br />
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It will open Read-only and not allow concurrent users.<br />
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Unfortunately the solution that Matt is seeking is not currently possible.<br />
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Server-side is the only way at the moment (and even that is not a very practical method).<br />
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;) k<!--content-->you could do it with a vb application using winsock :) But that is a pain to setup. If your ambitious you could learn asp though and do that but like khaki said its not practical.<!--content-->Thanks for answering my question. Unfortunately, it was the answer I was expecting. :-(<!--content-->You have not specified why you want the spreadsheet to open in your browser so perhaps this is not the answer you are looking for. However, iframes may be the easiest way to allow users to open a central spreadsheet on your network and if it was saved as a shared workbook and with protection as necessary updates can be made easily. With some vb scripting you could make the "front end" of your spreadsheet just as user friendly as a web page. <br />
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Martin..:)<!--content-->iframes may be the easiest way to allow users to open a central spreadsheet on your network and if it was saved as a shared workbook and with protection as necessary updates can be made easily. With some vb scripting you could make the "front end" of your spreadsheet just as user friendly as a web page. hi Martin...<br />
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are you talking about creating an Excel application on the network...<br />
or...<br />
implementing Excel via an IFRAME in a webpage?<br />
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if it's the former...<br />
that's not what was asked.<br />
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if it's the latter...<br />
a server-side solution was already mentioned.<br />
(and it would not matter if the spreadsheet was saved as a Shared Workbook... it would still not handle concurrent access)<br />
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if it's niether...<br />
could you elaborate?<br />
this question comes-up quite a bit in this forum... and if you have an idea for a solution...<br />
it would be very welcome :)<br />
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thanks...<br />
;) k<!--content-->Sorry, I am new to this and must be missing something. I have only just started on our own company intranet and ifarmes seem the easiest way to give users direct access to files on the network. I have pointed an iframe to a shared workbook on the network and this seems to allow concurrent use of the excel spreadsheet. Given the right security I have managed to keep users locked to certain cells and the shared workbook sorts out any conflict over shared cells. <br />
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have I missed something really obvious. I ask, because as yet my intranet site is in realtive infancy and I have only opened it to a select number of users for test purposes. Are you saying that my shared workbook idea is fatally flawed and I will need to run away? <br />
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Any help would be much appreciated as I am learning on the job. <br />
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Martin:confused:<!--content-->Originally posted by thomas1973 <br />
Sorry, I am new to this and must be missing something. ... No... I wasn't suggesting that you were missing anything at all Martin :)<br />
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Actually... I was hoping that you had a solution to an ongoing dilemma for many people here (including me :) )<br />
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Anyway...<br />
what i did ask was for you to elaborate....<br />
and I hope that you will elaborate a bit more...<br />
because I'm still trying to figure-out exactly what you are suggesting.<br />
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Obviously you are working on an Intranet (like me :) ) and the solution may be an Intranet-only solution (which sucks for the Internet-only crew... but it's golden for those of us who must sometimes swim in the protected waters of an Intranet :rolleyes: ).<br />
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So...<br />
i'm trying to understand how you are doing it :<br />
Network only...<br />
or...<br />
Server only...<br />
or....<br />
Both?<br />
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And...<br />
for the IFRAME :<br />
how are you pulling specific areas of the Excel file (Named Ranges? And if so... how do you get only the Named Range to populate the IFRAME? Multiple connections and SQL queries? I'm not "seeing" it in my head yet :rolleyes: ).<br />
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This is a topic of great interest to a lot of people that I know...<br />
so I would love to hear (see code? :) ) of how you are doing it.<br />
And as far as you being "new to this" :<br />
That's a good thing. Fresh eyes = fresh ideas :)<br />
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And as to your statement :<br />
"Are you saying that my shared workbook idea is fatally flawed and I will need to run away?"<br />
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No... (well maybe ;) ...just kidding)... but there's no need to run away.<br />
And actually I am hoping that it is my understanding of the problem that is flawed (although I aint got no plans of running anywhere regardless :) LOL)<br />
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So... spill.<br />
( p - l - e - a - s - e )<br />
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and don' forget....<br />
code would be great (and don't worry if it is not crafted well... it's the concept that is important)<br />
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you got me excited...<br />
so please don't leave me hanging.<br />
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thanks...<br />
;) k<!--content-->Hello Khaki.. <br />
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Sorry to get you so excited, I hope you're not going to be too disappointed because you seem ever so nice. All I have done is direct my iframe to a shared workbook on our server <br />
<br />
src="\\2000file1\martin thomas$\Share2.xls"<br />
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The shared theme of the workbook will only work across terminal server connections (it seems to fall out with me when i try to run it locally and locks up completely) and, I have to admit, I am a little concerned as to how it is going to stand up to company wide usage. during my tests the concurrency (is that a word?) of it seems fine.<br />
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I don't know how to drag specific ranges into an iframe, if i did i would a very happy person. however, with some vbscripting i prompt users for a password and, depending on the password entered i lock their access within the spreadsheet to specific cells. simplified: <br />
<br />
vl = Range("enter")<br />
<br />
If vl = "martin" Then<br />
ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "martin"<br />
ElseIf vl = "khaki" Then<br />
ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "khaki"<br />
Else<br />
ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "other"<br />
End If<br />
<br />
this acts to centre named ranges within the iframe.<br />
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Likewise, to keep the save seamless , a button is added to the workbook which drives a simple ThisWorkbook.Save command.<br />
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I don't think it is going to answer any of your questions, sorry to have got your hopes up. I am not even sure that I am going to run with this live. as i say, i have some reservations about its durability. Personally, I am equally happy to just post a shortcut to the spreadsheet in question and run it outside of the browser window. This allows much more flexibility in running commands.<br />
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did any of this make any sense at all?<br />
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:confused: :confused:<!--content-->