I have a pretty annoying problem here, as Im still trying to internalize each and every bits of what I am doing,I currently have a LinearLayout, then upon onCreate of the Activity, I will populate or inflate several other LinearLayout's with Buttons, my problem is that when I try to access the button, it seems that I'm not getting any close or deeper from the LinearLayout, all I can get is the LinearLayout(Parent) and the other LinearLayout(Children), I believe there is a way, Im just totally confused how to do it.\[code\]LinearLayout ->LinearLayout(Child1)->Button1, Button2, Button3 ->LinearLayout(Child2)->Button4, Button5, Button6\[/code\]How would I be able to access and get the Buttons?My source;\[code\]for (int x=0; x<ll.getChildCount(); x++){ View v = ll.getChildAt(x); Class c = v.getClass(); if(c == LinearLayout.class){ for(int y=0; y< ; y++){ **I know there is something that must be done here, likewise, is this the most efficient way of doing things? } } Log.i("test", c.getName());}\[/code\]Only the LinearLayout(Parent) exist in the XML, others are inflated run-time.