Access File System


Staff member
I am writing a page for our local intranet in PL/SQL and need to provide a link to execute an application on the local client. I currently have an ActiveX that will find the path to the app and store it in a database so when the user returns the link is provided, if it is installed. I am providing the user with the following link:

<a href="javascript:openWin('file://c:/\progra~1/\primav~1/\projec~1/\pm.exe')" title="Client App">Client App</a>

The openWin function is as follows:

function openWin(url)

When I click the link I get 'Access is Denied' error in lower left corner of IE. I can save the html source and put it on another server and it works fine as html.

I'm baffled, any ideas out there?