When I am connecting to an access database using ADO.NET in a ASP.NET page, I am getting an "Application must use an updatable query" error. The MS Knowledge Base says that changing the processMode attribute in machine.config from MACHINE to SYSTEM (and thereby elevating its permissions) would fix the problem. It did not. The only way I am able to make the call work is by inserting an <identity impersonate="true" userName="myusername" password="mypassword" /> into web.config, but this solution gives asp.net the permissions of my user account, which I don't feel comfortable with. Does anyone know a good solution to this problem?This is an ASP FAQ, but it still applies. IF there is mention of the IUSR account, just substitute the ASPNET account.Here's a link.<BR><BR>http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=107<BR><BR><g> <BR>