About php and Progress 9.1A Database


New Member
I recently decided to publish my company\'s data hold in progress database to my customers.I have completed all the scripts and they were working very well on the Merant progress driver version 3.50.0000 communicating with Progress 9.0B server on Win2k.Later my company decided to migrate to Progress 9.1A platform unfortunately and the problems began.Now i am working on php version 4.0.6 and my progress driver is one of the Merant\'s with version 03.60.0003 for 9.1A.The problem is when i try to fetch the data with while(odbc_fetch_row($res)),the first record is repeated for the number of record counts in my database.This was not so before on 9.0B.When i searched the past postings to this forum i see that some people advice the usage of drivers from openlinksw.com.I also tried these drivers, but i don\'t know why, i was unable to make a successful connection to my database server .I tried all of the possibilities regarding the database options but the result is still a failure. Can anyone help me to find a detailed description of adjustment of these drivers or does anybody know any other working drivers applicable to Progress 9.1A.
Thanks for all your replies.
Fatih Ergenekon.