My page had indexed 10000 pages with Google non-friendly sites (index.php?bla=222) , now I re maid it with htaccess to different link!
Would I have any problems after this process . Hope It won't make problems with SE ?
Won't it ban me about duplicated content or something else?
Sry, may be stupid question, but I have no experience in it! So long as the non search engine friendly url's are permanently re-directing to the new search engine friendly url's, you shouldn't experience any issues. TNX! I'm not that worried anymore
i think it might get deindexed for sometimes then get reindexed with the new seo friendly url
Google will reindexed your non friendly url to seo friendly url, so don't think about search engine ranking.
Would I have any problems after this process . Hope It won't make problems with SE ?
Won't it ban me about duplicated content or something else?
Sry, may be stupid question, but I have no experience in it! So long as the non search engine friendly url's are permanently re-directing to the new search engine friendly url's, you shouldn't experience any issues. TNX! I'm not that worried anymore

Google will reindexed your non friendly url to seo friendly url, so don't think about search engine ranking.