About hiding html


Let me know how to hide my webpage html contents and scripts.I want the bestway.That is if a visitor either right click on my website to view source or from the bar menu on the explorer the view source option should be disabled.Is there any scripts for hiding my html.<br />
THank you<!--content-->Unachievable goal.<!--content-->You can make it so you can't right click, but I also would like to know how to do that.<!--content-->Mr. Clark's suggested code is a fine one. There is, however, another consideration. The internet has grown up as it has because of a certain spirit of cooperation. Most of us have learned, and continue to learn, quite a lot by looking under the hood of web sites. And this is well and good. The content of your site is yours and yours alone, but we all need to work together to make sure that the web holds together. And it is in that same spirit that this board exists. Now you are asking us, in the spirit of that working together, to teach you how to keep others from having the benefits that you have enjoyed. <br />
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That said, the Bishop of Rome has an interesting teaching that he calls "The Law of Double Effect". The idea is that it is not immoral to do something otherwise immoral if the immoral act was an unintended and unfortunate side effect of some other moral act. Said Bishop has for centuries held that birth control, as it robs God of somebody to love, is a sin second only to murder. But the same Bishop allows women to have hysterectomies if the aim of that procedure is something other than birth control. <br />
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This is completely unrelated, but one way that you can improve the performance of your web site is by "normalizing" the mark up and code. By replacing all multiple spaces, tabs and new lines with single spaces you will decrease the size of your files. It is most unfortunate, though, that you will also make the mark up and code more than a little difficult to read.<!--content-->