About Google Sandbox


New Member
Often it happens that brand-new websites with new domain names take about 6-10 months to get higher rankings on Google.Usually Google indexes the brand new web site and lists it for some less important keywords or key phrases and just after a little time websites drop down from the search engine result pages for few months unlike other search engines.If you have created a brand new web site and going to launch it then do not too worry about this behavior of google. You have not done anything wrong. Google normally delays the inclusion of brand new web sites and this phenomenon is known as the Google sandbox.Google delays the inclusion of brand-new web sites to push webmasters to work on content and not to go for building network of few small websites.Some webmasters try to falsely boost the link popularity of their web site by creating a network of a number of small web sites having different URLs that all link to each other. There's no any purpose of these websites except to link to the main web site. This strategy of creating mini network does not work at all to get to rank quickly so don't go for it.The delay just might to push webmasters to focus on the content of their main web site instead of building mini-network of small sites for building link popularity..Another nice post. But in my experience the sandbox is not delaying too long anymore. My site was indexed by google after 3 days.