A word of caution to all inexperienced domain buyers


Staff member
This is for all the relatively inexperienced domain buyers out there, just some sound, good, down to earth advice from an old boy in his 40's who has been involved with the domain industry for quite some time.It's actually painful to me, to see many of the names that many of you are hand registering, thinking that such name/s are going to earn for you, a considerable amount of money on your initial investment. Sure $9.00 or so isn't a lot of money for one domain, but when you get carried away and register many, of which, nearly all are worth next to nothing, this irks me.Believe you me, I would love to see nothing more than many of you earning some decent money from your domain names, but the sad truth is, that many of the names that all of you inexperienced guys are registering are worth, pardon my french, dick shit, in other words absolutely zilch.Think!! Before you buy, exactly, what you are doing. Do you have a plan in mind, for the development of the name that you are about to register? Believe you me, all of those $9.00 reg's add up and for many of you, before you know it, you will have registered a hundred or more names, costing about 900 bucks, with about as much chance of getting a serious return on your initial investment as me finding a snowball in hell.The only pockets you are lining, are the domain registrars by registering such wanton and utter crap. 80% if not more of the names one see's on these forums, across the boards / forums are bloody rubbish, there's no easier way to tell you this.Sure, you think the name you have chosen is God's gift to domaining, that it will earn for you, instant riches, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. My only desire with this thread, is that I save some of you money and hopefully, in my own small way, help to up the standards with the domaining industry.When you choose names, this is for you inexperienced guys and gals, don't try to think so far out of the box that you exclude many of your would be, potential purchasers. Names that sell are true two word generics that make absolutely perfect sense, as in, the kind of thing that someone, or a great many people are likely to type in directly to their browser window. You want direct traffic and no-one is going to find your name or find it in the least attractive if many of you, keep on choosing the utterly absurd names that loads of you are registering at present.Think very carefully about the name that you are registering. Better still, do your research and buy from the start in the aftermarket only, this will stand you in much better stead for the future.Ok, it's not for me to tell you all what you can and cannot do, many of you are just going to have to be allowed to make your own mistakes and that's totally cool, but here are some tools that might just help you to make a more informed decision, in your choice and registering / buying of new domain names.To see recent sales of domain names with keywords of your choosing use:http://www.dnsaleprice.comTo check a lot of the stats of a domain name, including alexa ranking, valid page rank, number of links, age etc use:http://www.dnscoop.comTo check on many other general stats use <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.estibot.comTo">http://www.estibot.comTo</a><!-- m --> look for expiring names with traffic results use:http://www.tdnam.comFor another fantastic forum and to look into domaining a lot further, check out and read <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dnjournal.comFor">http://www.dnjournal.comFor</a><!-- m --> complete newbies go to:http://www.namenewbies.comAnd:http://www.namepros.comFor the latest .co.uk prices go to:http://www.domainprices.co.ukThe most secure place to register your names is generally considered to be:http://www.moniker.comAt Moniker you can also search for 500 plus names at a time under many extensions. In providing this info, I'm just hoping that a few of you might save yourselves some decent amounts of dollar and not register absolute rubbish. I hope some of these tools are useful to you, if you do need instructions to use any of these linked sites, feel welcome to pm me and I'll do my best to help out in my spare time, any of you that I can. If it's a common question, I'll post into this thread again.Too, if any experienced domainers want to contribute to this thread, please do so, with your own words of advice and/or caution for newbies just entering into this industry sector / links etc.All the best to all of you.Kindest regards and best wishes!!Mark Magawr