New Member
I've been looking hard to find a web page editor that can let me visually edit an already-designed web form page. for the whole period, I've made my page designs with Dreamweaver (now I'm using Dreamweaver CS4) and transfered my designs to Visual Studio 2010 to make pages from that template. Table editing feature for web forms in Visual Studio is really annoying and by trying to change a column width, the table structure is corrupted and VS decides to change everything on that table (compare it with Dreamweaver which only changes those two columns which their border is changed instead of the whole columns of that table).Unfortunately Dreamweaver does not recognize the tags syntax and because of that it can not properly render them in design mode. I want to know if you know any tool (preferably non-Microsoft tool) that can let me open an web form in it and edit the page elements visually without side effects that Visual Studio causes to my page design. (I use HTML tables for arranging my page elements.)By the way I looked at this link: after opening all the visual editors web pages, I did not find any tool that supports tags.