A viewer see's a fault, but I don't...


Hi All,<br />
a viewer has informed me that they get a fault come up when they view my first and second pages, but I don't when I look at my site.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.aol.com/originalsmb">http://members.aol.com/originalsmb</a><!-- m --><br />
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Is there a way of checking a page for faults? I have gone through looking at the pages with different size screens, but I still can't get the fault to come up.<br />
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Hope someone can help.<br />
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I will say my thank you's now, thank you, thank you, as I know someone on the www will answer me.<!--content-->Did they say what browser and platform they're viewing it with? I didn't get any errors or anything in IE5.5 on a PC.<!--content-->Hello Zenyenta,<br />
I can look at the site with IE, my AOL screen and have used all the screen sizes available to me.<!--content-->Well, they said a fault. That sounds like they're getting an error or something. It would help if they could tell you exactly what the problem is that they're seeing and even better if they could tell you how they're viewing it - browser, version and platform. Then you can debug. It's awfully hard to pin down a problem when you can't see it and don't even know what it is.<!--content-->Hi again,<br />
this is what I recieved from the viewer, but I will try to get some more information.<br />
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'You have a<br />
broken graphic icon (star.gif) on the index page. There was an error<br />
message pop-up while the JAVA script ran. There was a broken graphic to<br />
2001gold.gif on the left frame . When we clicked on the link to<br />
home there was a broken graphic to the pagestar.gif.'<br />
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Many thanks for your time.<!--content-->This is a little deep for me. When I look at your page with Netscape 4.7 the 2001gold.gif comes up as broken. It also comes up as broken when I view its location alone without the HTML page. I can see it fine in IE 5.5 and Netscape 6. I've never come across anything like that before. I can't see anything like spaces in the file name which can cause problems in Netscape. I'm not familiar with the ID and speed attributes you've used with the images, but you've got them with more than one image and it's only the one that comes up broken for me. Anyway, if NN 4.7 doesn't recognize the attributes I'd think it would just ignore them.<br />
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I haven't gotten javascript errors in any of the browsers I've tried, but that's a whole other story. Basically, where there's client side scripting there's the possibility that some people will get errors and frames can complicate that, depending on the script. Hopefully a guru will come along and be able to be of more help.<!--content-->well, I ran the page through IE5.0 and netscape 4.7... and yes the image is broken in netscape, as well as the flash (2.0) animation is not running on netscape. Id suggest updating that flash to version 4.0 as it is the most widely accepted version of flash right now.<!--content-->I didn't get any picture either. but the flash worked. I also noticed that your navigation links open up in a new browser window and they aren't suppose to by your code. you don't have a frame named right as far as I can tell.<br />
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also give the user to turn your music off, if you do I can't find it.<!--content-->Hello Scoutt,<br />
Thanks for looking at my pages and giving your comments.<br />
I am this week going to start to re-do the site now I have learnt a bit more about page building.<br />
Plus I am moving it out of AOL because of to many problems.<!--content-->