I have the following code and I cannot achieve saving the changes.The parameter of my method is a string containing the RefCode of a product I want to modify in the database, then the query is pulling the BaseProduct that is supposed to be modified.(I tried to simplify the code and set it in english, so I have probably introduced some syntaxic errors, but in my code in debbug mode, I get all the infos FROM the DB). Is there something wrong with the "select new" in the Linq query ?\[code\]public static void UpdateProduct(ViewProduct productToUpdate) { using (var contexte = new my_Entities()) { var BaseProduct = (from prod in contexte.Product where prod.Ref == productToUpdate.BaseProduct.RefPrd select new ViewBaseProduct { RefPrd = prod.Ref, DescrPrd = prod.DescrPrd, NormeCe = (bool)prod.NormeCE }).FirstOrDefault(); if (BaseProduct != null) { //BaseProduct.NormeCe = false; BaseProduct = productToUpdate.BaseProduct; contexte.SaveChanges(); } } }\[/code\]Thanks for your help !