a simple colored line

how can I make a line like an HR in css which I can define his width, height and color?

Thanksyou need to put something on the page, you could do a div with width height and color, apart from that i don't know. why do you need it?HR is better then div ot it doesn't matter?you can't set the color of hr (except IE)So I guess I'll use DIV

Thanks <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="manhttp://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26040&highlight=color+%3Chr%3E">manhttp://forums.webdeveloper.com/showt ... r+%3Chr%3E</a><!-- m -->

The link posted also has a link to what I would consider a slightly outdated write up I did on the subject. You can also do a search here on "<hr> color" with threads that have me in them for even more info on this.