a second ? regarding xml to ado recordset


New Member
Thanks for the previous response but I am not if you understood what I waslooking for. In the MSDN Library I saw a similar snippet of code. It ispasted below.FROM MSDNYou can also save a Recordset in XML format to an instance of an MSXML DOMobject, as is shown in the following Visual Basic code:Dim xDOM As New MSXML.DOMDocumentDim rsXML As New ADODB.RecordsetDim sSQL As String, sConn As StringsSQL = "SELECT customerid, companyname, contactname FROM customers"sConn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Program Files" & _"\Common Files\System\msadc\samples\NWind.mdb"rsXML.Open sSQL, sConnrsXML.Save xDOM, adPersistXML 'Save Recordset directly into a DOM tree.In this example you have the customers table to query, which will returna recordset that you could save in an XML format.In my situation the information is NOT in a relational database. I do nothave a table to query in order to get a recordset. I am not trying to savea recordset as XML.What I need to do is take an XML document(that is not stored in a database)and convert it to an ADO recordset. Any help would be appreciated. thanks