a quick question...


i have this web site i made and when i load the page in a browser it has a window that pops up saying "stack overflow at line 0" then i click ok and everthing is fine, any suggestions as to what i have to fix?<!--content-->how do you expect us find a solution for you when you just say somethign like this<br />
"I have just droped something in the ocean bed, can you find it"????<br />
<br />
Please be specific,and post the code thats causing this error,<br />
better yet post a link to the page that has the problem<!--content-->Ok sorry bout that, When the page loads i get this pop up error message, the page loads fine but error shows, here's the link web (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~jgiesbrt/Freq107/">http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~jgiesbrt/Freq107/</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->It does not for me, I assume you have a JavaScript issue and your browser is set to warn you.<!--content-->