A quick question


I am a novice. <br />
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About two years ago I created a web site where the left navigation bar for each web page was drawn from a central location so that updates to the left nav only had to be made once from that central location instead of multiple times on each individual web page. <br />
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I am creating another web site, and would like to recreate this functionality, but have forgotten to do so.<br />
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Can someone please remind me what this functionality is called so that I can find some info one how to construct it? <br />
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Any suggestions for where a good nivice tutorial on this functionality might be found?<br />
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Thanks in advance.<br />
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Brian<!--content-->Check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webdevfaqs.com/php.php#include">http://www.webdevfaqs.com/php.php#include</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Just a note, to do an include in asp or asp.net the syntax would be exactly the same as it is in ssi.<br />
<!--#include virtual="path/to/include.txt"--><br />
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Now a note about ssi: Pages that use an include will need a .shtml format and your server will need to support ssi or some form of server side scripting.<!--content-->