A question on Website promotion


New Member
Hi, all,

I am paying a UK company ?1.75 per month for Website promotion for <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.handscombes.com/">http://www.handscombes.com/</a><!-- m -->. I can't complain - we are often No.1 on Google!

But I have done a lot of work on SEO myself, and this is my question: Short of asking the company outright if they are submitting my site to the search engines every month as promised, and doing 'all the bits', is there any way to find out what percentage of my good SE placings are a result of mine or their work?

What a brain boiler! Over to you...


P.S. The site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.handscombes.com/">http://www.handscombes.com/</a><!-- m --> is not No.1 everywhere or coming up under every keyword of course, but a general search for financial advisers in the UK (e.g. "uk financial planning") will bring us (or <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.handscombes.co.uk/">http://www.handscombes.co.uk/</a><!-- m -->) up pretty high on the SEs, especially if you include "luton" in your search.