A question about mailto: formatting

Hi,<br />
I have searched the threads concerning entering 'subject' and 'body' info. into a 'mailto:' statement. I've used what was suggested and it seems to work but....<br />
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1. An extra CR/LF is added BEFORE the body text. Why?<br />
How do I get rid of it?<br />
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2. Can I format the font etc. of the body text using<br />
the 'mailto:' statement?<br />
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My existing and functional version obtained from a thread in this forum (A test so not yet published) below...<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"mailto:[email protected]?subject=CDS%20Website%20(<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.codsalldramaticsociety.co">www.codsalldramaticsociety.co</a><!-- w --> .uk)&body=Dear%20Webmaster,">[email protected]</a><br />
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P.S. I have just read the guidelines on posting. So I have edited my post accordingly (I hope). I agree with it entirely, I know bits of javascript and HTML and try to help with the simpler problems and it can be a trial trying to understand someone's code!<!--content-->if you use mailto protocole for forms action attribute,you are stuck with whatever browsers is defaulted to show to you.<br />
FOr better email formatting you can use server side coding.<!--content-->Hi Khalid,<br />
Thanks for that. I will do a search of the forums to find out how to create server-side email. I assume it would be similar to a posting a form and processing it with a cgi script?<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->Originally posted by learninghtml <br />
Hi Khalid,<br />
Thanks for that. I will do a search of the forums to find out how to create server-side email. I assume it would be similar to a posting a form and processing it with a cgi script? <br />
Yep you gotta write a script to handle the form. Using Php would probably be the easiest way.<!--content-->