A question about frames?


Ok, I am using Dreamweaver MX to put my site together, and I want to use frames. Basically I have a flash movie at the top which I want to remain constant no matter what link you click, while the content below it changes. (i want to use frames so that the movie wont restart at every new page)<br />
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My question is, how do I set it up so that when the user is at the page, they can scroll up and down with one global scroll bar (that spans both the frames).<!--content-->you can't if you use frames.<!--content-->So what would be some other options? There has to be some sort of setting that will allow me to change pages, but not restart the flash movie that is playing at the time.<!--content-->for the most part, i'm with scout on this one, however, i do have a few suggestions with the best being to put all of your content in one page separated into their own div containers... set their styles with position:relative;display:'none'; for each of them and then use javascript and set the style.display='' on the divs as you wish for them their content to be viewed...<br />
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that is by far the best way to accomplish what you are wanting to do...<br />
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for other ideas... well, aside from spending a lot of time and effort in making a custom scrollbar in say a third frmae that would be a col frame, i think you can do it if you use 2x iframes...<br />
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1 iframe for the movie and right below it, a 2nd iframe to house the content...<br />
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the only real thing on this is that you'd need to set the height of the content iframe to a static pixel height in order for it to be sized just right... if you set the hight to twice as much as what you would ever need then you could use styling to make the content of the iframe appear as though it's just par tof the page<br />
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another idea is to change the height of the content iframe with light javascript in order to accomodate the various heights of the content page ( if you can change it that is, i've never done that before as it would be faaar too much effort for a little gain )<br />
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the only thing is that as i have been told, not every browser supports frames ( course that doesn't stop me ;) )<!--content-->Originally posted by Disciple <br />
So what would be some other options? There has to be some sort of setting that will allow me to change pages, but not restart the flash movie that is playing at the time. <br />
that is the whole point of frames. if the flash is in the top and the main content is in the bottom then the top never refreshes or gets reloaded.<br />
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now this has nothing to do with your question to have the whole site scroll.<!--content-->