A newbie ask for help...


Hi...<br />
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I am using frontpage to create web pages...<br />
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But something interesting is happening which i cannot explain.<br />
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The screen has resolutioon 800 * 600 and the web page is displayed as i designed it. When the resolution of the screen is changed (e.g. 1025 * 768) or open the web page in another computer which has different resolution, the web page is not the same!!!!!<br />
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text boxes, photo, tables, characters are not in the right place!!!!! the page is a mess...!!!!<br />
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Can PLEASE anyone explain me the reason???<br />
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Also when i write <br />
<center><input type="text" value = "" name="editbox1" size="15"></center> <br />
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then is not letting me write anything in the same line after the edit box and is taking me in the next line!!!! even if i use the &nbsp; to leave space is not letting me and it takes me in the next line!!!<br />
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Can PLEASE anyone explain me why is this happening as well...?<br />
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Thanks in advance<!--content-->Because:I am using frontpage to create web pages...The solution? Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/">http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/</a><!-- m --> and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/</a><!-- m -->. There really isn't another way. And in the long run it's a far easier path.<!--content-->i have been told from some friends that there is a script that resize the web page according to the resolution of the screen, therefore the web page stays the same...!!!!<br />
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Is that true?<br />
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Thanks for the help<!--content-->But it will not work for the 10% of users who eschew JavaScript and it will not work for the people whose screens are smaller than 800 by 600. And when it does work it will really annoy the user. (Why do you think we turn off JavaScript?)<br />
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The solution is to stop trying to compensate for your bad web design and learn how to do it correctly.<!--content-->thanks for the help Charles<!--content-->Completely agree with Charles' implication that FrontPage is a nightmare for learning with - if you have a look at the source code which it produces you'll find it inflated with all sorts of extra rubbish which you don't need and which you'll have to wade through whenever you can't get FP to do what you want. (Which will certainly happen if you're using the cut-down "free" version - Express, or whatever it's called.)<br />
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In my experience, the only real use for these graphical apps is for very quick mock ups for getting early versions of designs signed off, or for non-htmlers to get a vague idea of what they want across. Even then, I honestly wouldn't bother - much more satisfying to use a simple text editor like NotePad.<!--content-->Yes i know, thats why i am writing the html code by myself...<br />
I am not using anything from frontpage tools but when i started i didn't know that it will be so ....(rubbish)<br />
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You see i am a newbie :p<br />
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can you recommend a better one...<br />
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Thanks<br />
swstos<!--content-->Originally posted by swstos <br />
Yes i know, thats why i am writing the html code by myself...<br />
I am not using anything from frontpage tools but when i started i didn't know that it will be so ....(rubbish)<br />
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You see i am a newbie :p<br />
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can you recommend a better one...<br />
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Thanks<br />
swstos <br />
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Sorry swstos - didn't realise you'd seen the light! No - I wouldn't recommend a WYSIWYG app - honestly think you're best with NotePad! Good luck. <br />
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(If you're developing professionally you're probably going to be using something like Macromedia HomeSite - you could possibly Download <!--more--> a trial version - but even so, you'd be hand-coding html in that.)<!--content-->Allow me to suggest HTML Kit. It's free and it has a lot of helpful features: HTML Tidy built in; syntax colorizer for HTML, JavaScript, Perl and more; an optional spell checker available in American and British English.<!--content-->thanks Charles<!--content-->Well....I think i know what is going on with that mess<br />
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I think Frontpage cannot deal with several monitor resolutions... <br />
So if you make the page...for 640 * 480 all the tables and images get placed in the right place or that resolution....<br />
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But if you change it....eg: 800 * 600 you leave space ..and the tables and images go there to fill it and create a mess...<br />