A must for all xml newbies


New Member
O.K let's face it: No one's going to teach you xml here or anywhere else onthe web for that matter. For weeks I've sweated, searched and now I finallyhave it. XML is not very practical or interesting unless you transform itand that brings in XSL.XSL helps you produce a nicely formatted document - very much like your HTMLpage. You save the xsl file and set a reference from your xml so it can findit.At first this is what I sought, to produce nicely formatted docs not justa tree view(in IE 5)! and then... thanks to one very bright individual, justread on and you shall meet him.Next learn DTD - this is very much like Data Definition Rules for your databasetables. What manner of variables go into what elements ...You're almost there.Now you have your data - held up in an xml file; the rules - defined in adtd file; and the formatting or display - xslNow, there is a tool - the parser(There's one free from Miscrosoft). Thisone helps you access your xml data programmatically ! So you can upload anexcel worksheet as xml. It's a COM Object and works with Visual C++/VisualBasic etc.<mysterious_man>just follow this url and you'll meet this extraordinary guy:: ://www.juicystudio.com/tutorial/xml/index.html.He does justice to xml.)</mysterious man>Now go out and learn.I'm still a newbie, so excuse any mistakes."Metal Will"