A mouse over I think?


Hi All,<br />
I am looking for the code or the name of that mouse effect you get on many web pages.<br />
Let me explain...<br />
On web sites when you pass the mouse over a image a little yellow box appears with text in it instead of the curser arrow.<br />
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I do hope you clever people can help me. Many thanks.<!--content-->Hi Dean,<br />
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Could you please provide the URL of a website thats has this effect you're wanting to know about.<br />
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The yellow box might just be the ALT text that is used in an image tag:<br />
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<img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"yourimage.jpg" alt="the text in the yellow box goes here"><br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank you Kevin, your a genius it works and (going red faced) its so simple.<br />
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I just noticed the little yellow box with words in it is used on this sites smiles!<!--content-->Well that is very generous of you to classify me as a genius, I think I will accept your compliment with the gratitude with which it is offered :)<br />
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Regards,<br />
Genius Kevin<!--content-->Actually, the alt text in the little yellow box is an error in Explorer. It is supposed to be <br />
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<img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"image.gif" alt="alternate text for when graphics are turned off" title="text in yellow box"><br />
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That way you get the little yellow box in other browsers as well.<!--content-->alt= what the browser displays instead of the image. This also shows as the little yellow box. Its not an error per-se, its what displays if images are turned off, or if the browser doesn't support them (lynx.)<br />
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title is an IE only thing, and so I never even bother with it. <br />
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Overall, alt tags are widely preferred to add descriptions to you images.<!--content-->You are right, of course. I did not test this in Netscape. But is certainly not an Explorer thing. It works in Opera, and validates. And of course alt tags are prefered - and should be used. The advantage of the title tag - if only it worked in Netscape - would be when you wanted different information to be displayed.<!--content-->