Just wanted to say that I'm about halfway through PHP 5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/PHP-5-Objects-Patterns-Practice/dp/1590593804/ref=sr_1_3/102-1461472-1886533?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1184804966&sr=8-3">http://www.amazon.com/PHP-5-Objects-Pat ... 966&sr=8-3</a><!-- m -->), and so far, it's excellent. The first part of the book is a great primer on more advanced OO features such as abstract classes, interfaces, interceptors, and the like; from there, it turns to architecture design in general, design patterns in particular, and finally, a number of specific patterns.
I can already tell that this stuff is going to help with some of the architectural problems I encounter time and time again. Now, if I can just find a job at a company that uses PHP5...
Anyone want to hire a hell of a web developer in Baltimore? Argh!!! I tried to buy that book last week and the store was sold out. Went to reserve it and got an email "The producer / distributor is out of copies" and so my order was cancelled!! I've been waiting to read that book... I guess I'll wait for 2nd edition
Glad to hear it's excellent. Have you made your way over to Matt Zandstra's website (getinstance.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://getinstance.com">http://getinstance.com</a><!-- m -->)) ? Some of what he writes is excellent material.My personal favourite for advanced PHP 5 techniques and design patterns are the devshed articles by Alejandro Gervasio (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.devshed.com/cp/bio/Alejandro-Gervasio/">http://www.devshed.com/cp/bio/Alejandro-Gervasio/</a><!-- m -->). Well worth a look.bpat - Amazon has in the book in stock ... as well as used ones...
ptI'll wait for the 2nd edition
I can already tell that this stuff is going to help with some of the architectural problems I encounter time and time again. Now, if I can just find a job at a company that uses PHP5...
Anyone want to hire a hell of a web developer in Baltimore? Argh!!! I tried to buy that book last week and the store was sold out. Went to reserve it and got an email "The producer / distributor is out of copies" and so my order was cancelled!! I've been waiting to read that book... I guess I'll wait for 2nd edition
Glad to hear it's excellent. Have you made your way over to Matt Zandstra's website (getinstance.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://getinstance.com">http://getinstance.com</a><!-- m -->)) ? Some of what he writes is excellent material.My personal favourite for advanced PHP 5 techniques and design patterns are the devshed articles by Alejandro Gervasio (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.devshed.com/cp/bio/Alejandro-Gervasio/">http://www.devshed.com/cp/bio/Alejandro-Gervasio/</a><!-- m -->). Well worth a look.bpat - Amazon has in the book in stock ... as well as used ones...
ptI'll wait for the 2nd edition