A frame problem


I have created a website which uses a single iframe.<br />
The site works great. Every time I click on a link, the new page is displayed within the iframe on the main page.<br />
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Problem...<br />
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It is possible for the iframe html pages to be accessed via a search engine and be displayed on their own as a single page.<br />
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Is there any way to code the iframe pages so they will automatically load the main page and display themselves within the iframe?<br />
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:confused:<!--content-->yes SE's can list a page out of its frame, several solutions, have a link on that framed page to the main page, or have a javascript redirect that detects if the page is not being displayed within the frame, now i know how to do this for normal frames but i don't know if it works with iframes, i'll go have a quick look :)<!--content-->alas i couldnt find the answer for iframes, i posted a question about this in client side a while ago but didn't get an answer, maybe someone will pick up on it here for you, this is what i would do if it were in a frameset:<br />
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <br />
<!-- Begin <br />
if (window == top) top.location.href = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/">http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/</a><!-- m -->"index.html"; <br />
// End --> <br />
</script> <br />
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if you don't find out how to do it for an iframe your best bet is with a simple link back to the index of parent page sorry i couldnt help more :)<!--content-->I dont do frames anymore due to the probs some search engines have with em. When I did I got around this by having a link in the frameset or main page in you case to a map file.<br />
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This file would be in HTML format and have every page listed so that the robot could view them all. The only problem is when they list in search results, people will link to these files directley and not via you frame set up.<br />
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You could only get around this if you have a redirect to every individaul doc to go back to your frameset.<br />
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Frames can make life easy, but I am of the opinion they are too much hassle if you want traffic.<!--content-->