A Few Questions On Browser Cache


1.) What is the difference between these two tags, disabling browser cache (if I understand correctly):<br />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no_cache"><br />
and<br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no cache"><br />
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2.) My web site (bluepixel.tk) uses frames. Do I have to put one of these tags in every frame for no cache, or can I just include it in the index file that tells the browser about frames (the one with <frameset cols="149,*" f....)<br />
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3.) Does this go between the </head> and the <body> tag or does it go within the <head> tags.<br />
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Thanks Guys,<br />
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[tech]<!--content-->I usually see: <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no_cache"> I think.<br />
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Nothing is allowed between </head> and <body>, ever. It goes in the <head> section.<br />
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I think you need this tag inside every file that you don't want to be cached; however a Google search will probably find thousands of sites to confirm (or deny) this.<br />
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Run your code through: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html">http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html</a><!-- m --> to check it out.<!--content-->1.) You never told me what the difference is! How am I to know which one I need to use when I don't know the difference?<br />
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2.) LoL, I figured it would go in <head>...alright, thx<br />
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3.) Every page?? Argh :(<br />
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4.) I have run my web site thro validator.<br />
I was not able to extract a character encoding labeling from any of the valid sources for such information. Without encoding information it is impossible to validate the document.<br />
And I have no clue what type of doctype and type of encoding my web site is!!! I don't even know what that is!<br />
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Thanks for the answers, but I still don't know what the difference between the different cache tag things is. And now you just gave me a new question, lol, how do I get my doctype and type of encoding?<br />
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[tech]<!--content-->>> You never told me what the difference is! <<<br />
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Having never seen the other one, how can I tell you if there is a difference? It might not even be a valid tag.<br />
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>> And I have no clue what type of doctype and type of encoding my web site is! <<<br />
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I've mentioned what these mean in many previous posts, as have many other people.<br />
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The !DOCTYPE says what sort of HTML the page uses. You'll need HTML 4.01 Transitional I expect.<br />
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The character encoding states whether your page uses the Western alphabet, the Greek or Cyrillic alphabet, Thai, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, or some other script. You'll be needing ISO-8859-1 I expect.<br />
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There are hundreds of examples already posted in previous threads; and a Google search will find half a million matches for that query.<!--content-->1.) Yes, I assume they are valid tags, because accord to GOOGLE (which u seem to highly reccommend LOL) they are valid.<br />
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2.) You know my main question was what is the difference!<br />
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3.) What sort of HTML? How the heck should I know!??! I just used the HTML that I know! When I learned HTML it didn't tell me what kind of HTML I was learning!<br />
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4.) My web page uses the American alphabet...but that doesn't seem to be there, lol.<!--content-->