I have the following problem:I have an aspx page which contain a lot of fields such as email,name, phone number, etc. I have a custom validator to check if the user email is unique, and another one to check if they typed in at least one of the phone number fields.The validations work without any issues, however, if I type a invalid email and a invaild phone number, then set a valid phone number but keep the email invalid, the error message at the summary disappears but I still see the red highlight in the field.There's not much code to post, these are plain simple CustomValidators:\[code\]<asp:CustomValidator ValidationGroup="customer" ID="cstPhoneNumber" runat="server" Display="none" ControlToValidate="txtPhoneNumber" OnServerValidate="ServerValidatePhoneNumber" ValidateEmptyText="True"><asp:CustomValidator ValidationGroup="customer" ID="cstUniqueEmail" runat="server" Display="none" ControlToValidate="txtEmail" OnServerValidate="ServerValidateEmail"/>\[/code\]What could possibly be happening?