A couple of questions

hell bomb

New Member
Hello, i actually have multiple questions. on one of my favorite forums they have a really cool portal and i was wondering if anyone knew how to make a portal similar to that one.


I am looking for somewhere to get a really cool custom theme, and yes i am willing to pay. Also is there anyone who is quite familiar with vbulletin that is willing to help me out a little bit?
1) thats IPB not vB. this is vBTEAM.

2) thats a custom homepage, made with HTML, CSS and PHP.

4) custom skin will cost more than $100
i know all of those things. i was hoping to maybe get a theme cheaper that :/ but i am willing to pay if anyone knows where i can get a really good high quality theme.
like what do you mean?
like what i want in the theme if so add me on msn and we can discuss what i am looking for, and your price. I will be looking for a pretty high quality theme, and i can help with making the buttons and pics and such. but i do not posses the ability to code the xml files and do all the pictures myself. i am quite familiar with photoshop cs3 and may be able to help significantly. (btw i will not pay untill after i have tested the theme myself and make sure it works correctly. and no i will not rip anyone off)

My msn - [email protected]