A couple of newbie questions


Staff member
Hi, I've been working with XML less than a week and I really could do with some assistant on a problem which is probably very simple (there's seemingly so many different parts to xml I'm a quite confused over a lot of it).

This is for a cinema listings search.

In my xml i have three parts, this is the structure:
<venue venueID="###">
then various venue fields

<title titleID="###">
various other title fields

<event titleID="###" venueID="###">

Right, now, I have this piece of code in the XSL file:

<xsl:for-each select="/listing/eventList/event[@venueID='###']">
<xsl:sort select="event" order="ascending"/>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="???"</TD>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="/listing/eventList/event/originalTimes"/></TD>

So, the above code only displays the venues that match the venueID specified.

The problem I've got is with the code I've underlined (the ??? in particular). The event list doesn't include the titles of the films and I need it to list the film name from the titleName element. How do I get it to list the film name using the titleID?

If it turns out this is a much bigger problem than I imagine, please point me in the right direction, one of my biggest problems seems to be finding the right things to read.