I'm in a real pickel:I'm making a login script and for some reason the $_SESSION variable is not sending across the page from my login check.I have tested this with an pre PHP Ver 5.2.12 and it worked. Have previously used this method. But the site I'm using this method for now is PHP Ver 5.2.12SO there are 2 differences between the two versions I have been able to notice, they are:In the old version,session.bug_compat_42 On On AND in the new = session.bug_compat_42 Off OffAlso OLD VERersionsession.use_trans_sid 0 0 AND NEW session.use_trans_sid 1 1Also the path for session.save_path are different in each version(does this matter??)This is my code for the logged in page:LOGGEDIN PAGE\[code\]<?php session_start();$var_user = $_SESSION['US'];//echo $var_user;//ouputs nothing =0//if not logged inif(!isset($_SESSION['US'])) {header ('Location:index.php'); die();}else if(isset($_SESSION['US'])){ include('connect.php');//rest of script goes here}\[/code\]and my code for the page that check the login details which is inside an if statementPAGE THAT CHECKS THE VARABILES FROM THE LOGIN PAGETOP OF PAGE\[code\] <?php session_start(); $var_pass =$_REQUEST['PW'] ; $var_user =$_REQUEST['US'] ; \[/code\]LATER IN THE PAGE\[code\]$_SESSION["US"]= $var_user;//echo "login success";header ('Location:loggedin.php');\[/code\]This is absolutely doing my head in is possibly just a small error I'm not realising, any ideas.Thanks in advance.