I'm trying to make PHP do an Action if I click on a table. The Table gets sent without any problems, but the name of the table isn't getting set. So PHP (isset($_POST['accountdel'])) does'nt show any reaction. If I use an Input field everything works perfectly.My HTML looks like this:\[code\] <form action="einstellungen.php" name="myform" method="post"> <a OnClick="if (confirm('Delete?')) {document.myform.submit();}" type="submit" name="accountdel"/> <table frame="box" style="margin-top: -50px;" class="table" > <td width="30%" class="feldbeschriftung"> <a STYLE="text-decoration: none; color:inherit;" id="accountdelete" > <div style="width:100%;height:100%;"> Account L?schen</div></a></td> </table> </form>\[/code\]And the PHP like this\[code\]if (isset($_POST['accountdel'])) { echo 'This is a Test'; }\[/code\]Does anyone out there have an Idea how I can fix this problem? It's really important that I can click on the table and not on a button!Thanks for your help!