$_get array items on next page


New Member
I need some help with the following website/webshop.http://alisgfx.com/lomo/The items in the carousel are loaded from an array with phpforeach. What I want to do is when you click an item, you will go to a next page called index.php?product=productnameI think get variable is an option, but i dont know how to combine that with my arrays.How can I simply achieve this?Index.php\[code\]<?php# include de benodigde bestanden (require geeft een fatale fout als het niet lukt)require('inc/config.inc.php');require('inc/functions.inc.php');require('inc/template.inc.php');# geef de HTML code voor het openen van de pagina weerhtmlOpenen('Introtekst');toonHeader();include 'menu.php';?><!-- producten carousel --><section class="carousel"> <div class="banner"><img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/img/nieuw.jpg"></div> <div id="slider1"> <a class="buttons prev" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/#">left</a> <div class="viewport"> <ul class="overview"> <?php foreach($nieuwBinnen as $new) { echo ' <li> <h2>'.$new['naam'].'</h2> <p>'.$new['product'].'</p> </li> '; } ?> </ul> </div> <a class="buttons next" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/#">right</a> </div></section><section class="carousel"> <div class="banner"><img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/img/best.jpg"></div> <div id="slider2"> <a class="buttons prev" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/#">left</a> <div class="viewport"> <ul class="overview"> <?php foreach($bestSellers as $bestseller) { echo ' <li> <h2>'.$bestseller['naam'].'</h2> <p>'.$bestseller['product'].'</p> </li> '; } ?> </ul> </div> <a class="buttons next" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14073342/#">right</a> </div></section><?phpinclude 'footer.php'; ?>\[/code\]functions.php\[code\]<?php #functies$nieuwBinnen = array( array('naam' => 'Product 1', 'product' => 'img', 'info' => 'Everybody loves microcontrollers, including the Arduino, allowing you to create whatever you imagine. That is unless you want to hack together something wireless. Originally you had to rely on the expensive XBee protocol or other wireless options, but no longer. Hobby Robotics found an extremely cheap transmitter and receiver and wrote a quick guide for wiring them up to an Arduino. Now your wireless projects can come to life, as long as you are within 500 feet and don