__set/__get with array properties


New Member
Wondering if it's possible to do something like the following (I know the code won't work as intended, just trying to get the purpose across):\[code\]class Form{ private $v = array(); function __set($varName, $varValue) { ... do some treatment on the varValue ... $this->v[$varName] = $varValue; } function &__get($varName) { if(!isset($this->v[$varName])) $this->v[$varName] = NULL; return $this->v[$varName]; }};\[/code\]I want to be able to set a variable like:\[code\]$form->Values['whatever'] = 'dirty';\[/code\]and have it run through the setter function which would call some cleaning operations and actually end up filling a couple other arrays like 'HtmlValues' and 'SqlValues' so I can just pull the values encoded for the format I want, so I can later call\[code\]echo $form->HtmlValues['whatever'];\[/code\]The problem is of course the normal issue that if you just use _get, you get end up setting a value that's returned, and even though &_get returns it by reference and thing kind of work, __set is never actually called, even though you're setting a private member.So basically, I'm wondering if there's a way to call a function on a value whenever you set it within an array (potentially multiple arrays deep and what not like \[code\]$form->Values['group']['item'] = 'whatever';\[/code\]The desired output would be something like:\[code\]$form->Values['name'] = "&";echo $form->HtmlValues['name']; = &\[/code\](Just to reinforce, I'm not looking for the actual encoding, just the ability to call it on every variable as it's set/changed without having to encode the entire array manually)