__eventtarget set to ScriptManager id


New Member
I have multiple UpdatePanels on a page, each filled by somewhat expensive controls. On async postbacks, all UpdatePanels are initialized, but only the updates UpdatePanel is sent to the client. Now I would like to initialize only the UpdatePanel that actually requires an update. http://ryanfarley.com/blog/archive/2005/03/11/1886.aspx suggests decoding the \[code\]__EVENTTARGET\[/code\] parameter to find the control that caused the post back. forums.asp.net/p/1385862/2947336.aspx suggests decoding the Request.Form value corresponding the the ScriptManager unique ID. Both seems to work fine. However, our production system (IIS 6, .NET 3.5) frequently reports requests where \[code\]__EVENTTARGET\[/code\] is set to the unique ID of the ScriptManager (MyScriptManager). In these cases the ScriptManager parameter also decodes to MyScriptManager|MyScriptManager instead of UpdatePanelId|EventTargetId.It has been observed for Firefox 3.0 and 3.5 as well as IE 6, 7 and 8. However, I was unable to reproduce it. Does anyone have a hint what causes our clients' browsers to post back these values?