__dopostback not working as expected


New Member
Scenario 1 (That Works)This is a POC i created.I have a script manager, a html textbox, an ASP.NET button, an updatepanel with async trigger set for Click event of above mentioned button. For html textbox i have, \[code\]onkeyup='__doPostBack('<%=ASPBUTTON.ClientID%>','')\[/code\]. AND IT WORKS, the Click event of button is hit, and updatepanel is updated asynchronously.Scenario 2 (It's not working)The only difference with my actual codebase is that i have a JQUERY FILAMENTGROUP datetimepicker whose onchange event is being used instead of html textbox's onchange. Further, here my page uses a master page. Now, my problem is that when onchange event for datetimepicker fires, the request goes server side, but BUTTON click event is not getting fired.Some more details,I want to update the updatepanel automatically on datetimepicker selection. So, the button would be actually hidden through css (display:none). Button id - btnDateRangeCallbackDatetimepicker Textbox (non ASP control) - dateRange\[code\] onChange: function() {__doPostBack('<%=btnDateRangeCallback.ClientID%>', $('#dateRange').val());}\[/code\][Please remember i said it works in case of my simplistic POC, while in my actual codebase i am using a masterpage to inherit from, and so all these controls are placed in a contentplaceholder. Furthermore, postback is happening, and i can see _EVENTTARGET and _EVENTARGUMENT being sent correctly if i break at Page_Load]Please help.To put it more simply,After postback, when i break at Page_Load, i see the Request.Form contents as,ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24SMgr1=ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24SMgr1%7cctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnDateRangeCallback&__EVENTTARGET=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnDateRangeCallback&_EVENTARGUMENT=5%2f3%2f2011+-+6%2f2%2f2011&_VIEWSTATE=%2fwEPDwULLTE3NDY5NDIwMDRkZIuTqMNNsFHlRYhjpKaUCaCXj42h&_EVENTVALIDATION=%2fwEWAgLBx52kBALP6Ln6DdkkwE%2frVIKQzKE1L0k4QhIc768w&_ASYNCPOST=true&Why is not Click event for btnDateRangeCallback hitting???