60 Minutes story.


New Member
Just wondering if anyone caught the whole story on Google's 60 minute's segment last night. I caught pieces of it, but missed the bulk of it. I did read the summary though: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/12/ ... 4063.shtmlJust wondering if anything worthwhile was said.Quote:Anyone know of a link to this video anywhere?http://www.seobook.com/archives/cat_google.shtmlLook at January 5th's entry on Aarons seo blog, theres a link to a download there. Some reason it wouldn't let me link directly to the file from here.Jess wrote:I gotta admit i did find that a bit far fetched.You just turn into a billionaire overnight and all you do is go and buy a tshirt...... They are trying to present themselves in a certain way but i think they are going to run the risk of becoming a joke over that statement. Sooner or later they are going to spend and when they do, every singe comment like that is going to come back and haunt them.northjersey78-2 wrote: