5 Levels of theme pyramid


New Member
Theme pyramid consists of 5 levels according to the importance of the page. Lets check them one by one.
Level 1:
Level one is of Index page. It has been found out that index pages rarely rank well in search engines. The reason behind it is, index pages are meant to be attractive and eye catching. This page contains links to all other documents and pages and directs the user to the whole website. The main purpose of index page is look good, easy to use and well defined! So there is nothing much to do on index page from SEO view point. The only way to rank index pages is, Link Building. But it should be kept in mind that, many of the users are interested in visiting the specific informative pages rather than index page.
The index page not only directs human visitors but search engine spiders also. The main task of index page is to provide the links to spider and give overview of the site to the directory editors.
Hence SEOs job is to link as much deep content as possible on the index page.
Level 2:
These are main SEO pages. Level 2 pages contains sub topics and not all the in depth information. For example, if the site is about SEO, then the level two pages could be on page factors, off-page factors, PPC etc. Then these pages could be linked to HTML tags, content optimization, technical optimization, bidding strategies etc.
Always remember that subtopics should contain the specific information only. I.e. on page factors page should contain links related to on page factors only and not PPC and all. These pages are considered as gateway pages for the customers looking for information. From SEO point of view they are high value pages. Here we should link as much deep content as possible. Here we use single word keywords to attract high traffic.

Level 3:
From this level onwards, all the levels are differentiated according to the depth of the content. These pages are linked to level 2 i.e. subcategory pages and not to index pages. One or two keyword phrases should be placed on these pages. It