5-10 uniques per day, DIRE traffic levels. Help me!


New Member
Hi to all,Just to join in the club of "why can't I have high traffic levels", I wish to complain about my dire traffic situation.I have had my copywriting website online (the link is in my signature) for approximately 6 months. A little while ago I changed the layout of my site, added more content, worked on making it w3c valid (not quite there yet) and built up my incoming links.But my traffic levels are dire. And I mean DIRE. I get about 5-10 uniques a day, of which most come from forum visitors such as from this forum. Or they come from my ezinearticles. I get about 1 visitor per day from Google or other search engines.I really don't get it. I mean, I understand that building traffic to 100 per day, then 500, then 1000, etc...is an uphill struggle and a constant effort. Alas, my efforts really are not showing.I have approximately 30 pages on my website, 50%, at least, of which are written around a 'profitable' keyphrase. I am no SEO expert but I get some basics, not including keyword too many times, including keyword in outbound link, meta tags, etc...Then, I am also really building up my inbound links as well.Mainly this is submitting articles to article directories. Google says I have 9 links into my website, and msn says I have 90 and yahoo says I have 559, so that gives an idea of how many links I have. I have a backlink checker and in comparison to other website copywriters, I am doing quite ok link wise.I will keep going, of course, always learning and trying to improve.But, I am puzzled. Is this normal? Will it just take time?Sigh!Have you tried building links and and are you sure about your target keywords!try to:1. write effective articles2. include your target keywords in your articles3. engage in article marketing or submit it on article submission sitesthat way you promote your blog/site as well as it became your backlinksThanks but the thing is that I HAVE tried and AM trying all the things that we are all supposed to do to build traffic.I research my keywords, I include keywords in articles and tags and links, I submit articles to article directories, etc, etc...I've got 30 pages of good content and just 5 visitors a day. It seems like nothing to me. Some people talk of low traffic levels being in the 100's. I'd be happy with 20 uniques from the search engines per day....for now.It's a constant uphill battle that can't be achieved overnight. Constant dedication, devotion, & discipline is required in order to succeed in any campaign.What you consider using ALL the things required may differ from what others do (What works for one, won't work for the other). Trial / Error / Research / Testing <<~~Those are the 4 chains of events that you should be doing yourself in order to find what works for YOU, not what works for others.When using the general ideas from others, add a little spice & play with different variations (Constantly measuring the results). This will aid in quickly eliminating the techniques that produce Low to NO results, thus allowing you to focus more on the techniques that DO work (dissecting the technique / tweaking it / etc. in order to customize it for you).The only thing one gets from asking others how they do it is Ideas, if you keep changing up your strategies every time you hear another idea without doing any actual analysis within a reasonable amount of time (E.g. 60-90 days), then you'll never harness the full potential of any campaign technique.Just my thoughts on the matter, I wish you luck!ciarac wrote:Duuuuuuude.......there's something I think you really need to read, but it may be against the rules for me to mention it outright on this post. So just divert your attention a little lower and you may see exactly what I'm talking about, lol....Have a read through that and call me in the morning. Apparently you have overestimated the size of your market.ciarac wrote:ciarac wrote:joebert wrote:How many people are searching for your search term? where do you rank in the search engines when you search for your keyphrase? accourding to http://inventory.overture.com under 400 people searched for that phrase in a month so that may be where your problem lies. No one seems to be searching for it.