401 unauthorised error when using WebRequest


New Member
Am trying to create a simple page that connects to an external website, logs in, and then passes a bunch of parameters.When I run the page I get a bad request 400 error and when I check using Fiddler I can see there are both 401 and 400 errors being returned. Under 'Auth' in Fiddler I see:"No Proxy-Authorization Header is present. No Authorization Header is present." < Is this relevant? As when I test using PHP cUrl the page can log in fine and Fiddler says the same under Auth.\[code\] Dim UserName As String = "testusername" Dim password As String = "testpassword" Dim siteCredentials As New NetworkCredential(UserName, password) Dim URLAuth As String = "http://service.someurl.com/process.xml" Dim postString As String = String.Format("customeremailaddress={0}&customername={1}&referenceid={2}&languagecode={3}&expirydays={4}", customeremailaddress, customername, referenceid, languagecode, expirydays) Dim postBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postString) Const contentType As String = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = False Dim cookies As New CookieContainer() Dim webRequest__1 As HttpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(URLAuth), HttpWebRequest) webRequest__1.Method = "POST" webRequest__1.ContentType = contentType webRequest__1.CookieContainer = cookies webRequest__1.ContentLength = postBytes.Length webRequest__1.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1" webRequest__1.Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" webRequest__1.Referer = "http://service.someurl.com/process.xml" webRequest__1.Credentials = siteCredentials Try Dim requestStream As Stream = webRequest__1.GetRequestStream() requestStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length) Dim testcapture As String = requestStream.ToString Dim thing As String = "stop" Dim responseReader As New StreamReader(webRequest__1.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim responseData As String = responseReader.ReadToEnd() responseReader.Close() webRequest__1.GetResponse().Close() Catch ex As Exception Lbl_ConnTest_error.Text = ex.Message End Try \[/code\]Seems the login credentials are not being passed what am I doing wrong? I am obviously using vb in an asp.net application but am connecting to an XML file held on Linux Apache, does this have any implications at all?