300+ Inputs Frm File to Gen. List/Timing


Staff member

What is the best way to go about taking a list of product ID numbers, from a file: data.txt, which can have 300-1000 product IDs, and putting each ID number through a series of queries to generate a special price file.

Here is what I am using right now:

$FileName = "data.txt";

if (!file_exists($FileName))
echo "File Not Found??";

@ $dataFile = fopen($FileName, "r");
while (!feof($dataFile)) {
$getData = fgets($dataFile, 8);

...Then there are about 6-sql statements and 10-echo statements...

The problem I have with this setup is - set_time_limit(1000);. With this coding setup I need more 1000 seconds to complete 300+. Maybe I am not doing something right? Or is this normal for what I am try to accomplish.

Thanks In Advance!