3 SEO Traps to Avoid During Your Redesign


New Member
Hey, it's Midnight by the way. Time for a refill on coffee. Before i do this here is some reading material. Take a look at this article written by Jim Whalen on the sitepronews blog.

Quote: I receive a lot of SEO questions from business owners who want to spruce up their aging websites, but are dead afraid of losing their existing search engine traffic. And for good reason. Going live with a redesigned website without considering the SEO implications is like being ensnared in a nasty trap that you cannot escape from. It’s hard to make money while stuck in a trap!

With that in mind, here are a 3 SEO traps to avoid before, during and after you develop your website:

SEO Trap #1: Your Content Management System

If you are switching to a different content management system, (CMS) it often means that the URLs from your current site will have to change to something that fits with the new system. It’s likely that the new URL naming convention will not match your old one.

The Escape: If this is the case with your new back end, then 301-permanent redirect all of the old URLs to their new counterparts if you can. If this is a practical impossibility, then....

Continued at: Traps to Avoid During Your Redesign

I'm not a designer or doing SEO for a living but this was a very good blog post. I really hope that everyone can first comment on the 3 mentioned SEO traps and add's additional tips of there own. I'm sure a lot of you are both designers and do SEO for the clients you work with. Yeah, I had a huge issue with this on one of my sites a couple years ago. It was a pain to get the links changed over in a neat way. Good thing I came across this when I did. My boss is planning to switch some of his sites from asp to php, and I wonder if he's aware of these problems that might occur which might just make us lose months of work. Thanks snakeair for the link.