3 Columns, Middle Changing.....


I need some help again. I have a site with 3 columns (Completely Liquid) and I want to make the middle column change when a link on the left menu is clicked. I have tried PHP and iFrames, but they messed up the site! Is there a way to do this without SSI, PHP, or iFrames? Like 2 sets of codes maybe <br />
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I will use SSI if there is a FREE host that supports it with LOTS of banwidth, but I will need some help on it! <br />
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Thank You, <br />
Kevin Naia<!--content-->What do you mean it messed it up.<br />
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Anything can be liquid.<!--content-->It put this HUGE thing that looked like a broken picture thing on the top! All the text on the bottom!<!--content-->hmm<br />
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thats strange.<!--content-->the only way to change one part of a page without changing the rest is through frames/iframes or flash!<br />
How did you use the iframe, did you put it in a table cell, did you give the iframe a fixed size, have you tried it without php?<!--content-->I hope I understood this correctly. I suppose you have a table with three cells. If I'm right, I suppose it's easiest to put an iframe in the middle cell and target your links into it.<!--content-->NO TABLES!!! Just CSS and DIVS!<!--content-->ok, no need to shout!!!!<br />
do you have a url of the page your'e attempting this on, if you place an iframe on a layer and it shouldnt affect the rest of the page.<!--content-->