[3.8.0] Greenfox


New Member
Ported Greenfox 3.7.3 to 3.8.0
Only 2 XML included atm (Fixed+postbit) and (Fluid+Postbit legacy) if you need the other 2 i can see what i can do :)

As you can see it works perfect in my test forum... any problems please tell me i can probarly fix them ;) i am newb in porting as you can see from blue orange etc my next Ports will be Aria and Ambient Lighting


New Member
bro my whole forum uses the new postbit, horizontal.. and fluid. could you please port this in that way? thanks so much


New Member
nudu what the hell yeah talking about new postbit? The theme works for either vertical or horizontial and it is 3.8.0 and will work for 3.8.1 as there were no gfx changes and was just bug fixes for 3.8.1 release.


New Member
I have this style installed, and looks great. But I now want to install Bluefox, and Orangefox so my users can choose which style they use.

Problem is, Greenfox is using the icons from this directory:


Instead of from here:


Not all images are being taken from the wrong directory, only some. The forum_new images etc are being taken from the correct? directory:


Not sure if this is an error I have made somewhere, or if it's an error in the style itself.

The Greenfox style itself is showing great, but when you select the Orangefox style, you see this:


This is because the style is also using the icons from this directory:


instead of:


How can I fix this issue?

Ps. Ignore the green 'Links' icons- This is an error in Orangefox style (No orange 'links' images were included, only green).


EDIT: Just noticed another problem with this style (FLUID) in Internet explorer 7....


(You need to scroll to the right to see all of the forum width).

In Firefox 3.0.6 it shows perfectly with now scrolling needed:


The issue can obviously be fixed, because in Bluefox fluid, it shows fine in IE7 with no scrolling needed:


Anyway to fix this issue?

Rune Blaze

New Member
hello. i just installed this theme on my forums and it looks slightly messed up, i will put an attachment to show you what mine looks like. i really hope you can help me fix it so i can use this theme