[3.7] GTUserCP Interface + UserCP navbar menu


New Member
GTUserCP Interface - modifies the default vBulletin User Control Panel similar to how it is on vbulletin.org!

No edits are necessary. However, manual edits are required if you wish to use the UserCP Menu like we have here on vbulletin.org.

If upgrading from a previous version please revert the "USERCP_SHELL", "SUBSCRIBE", and "usercp_nav_folderbit" template.

Custom modification brought to you by Joe Velez (aka Princeton vbulletin.org Admin).


Install product via Product Manager.
If you want to add UserCP Menu read the README file. This has to be done manually.
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Don't forget to click "Mark As Installed", Nominate for MOTM, and rate the modification.

May 1, 2008 : Modification released (


Q)__ Why is my UserCP column wide?
A)__ Most likely one of your PM folders has a long name - rename the folder.

Q)__ How can I Have the Private Messages block above the Your Profile block?
A)__ You will need to modify the GTPM_USERCP_SHELL template to suit your needs.
great, installed. thanks. is tehre a place in the admincp that will allow you to make changes, and customize the usercp?
USERCP_SHELL and USERCP are the templates to edit when customizing the usercp but remember to always make a back up first