[3.7.0 RC1]Different Domain, Different Style


New Member
This is a simple add-on which will force users to a specific style based on the url the user visited.

I wrote this with the idea of being able to create a subdomain of mobile.domainname.com and have visitirs to that URL forced to a [thread=151186]mobile style[thread] whilst visitors to my normal site (domainname.com or DomainName.com -- Reserve Your Place In Cyberspace with DomainName.com Domain Name Registration Services!) would be rpesented with my regular style.

Alternatively if you have 2 domain names which point to the same forum, you can have a customized style based on the domain name visited. You can do what you want, but it may be as simple as only having a different banner reflecting the host name visited, or if you have merged 2 forums - users could still get the same skin they always have had if they continue to visit the same URL.

With the HOST matching be aware that if the URL specified in the add-on matches anywhere in the url visited, the add-on will be triggered.

e.g. if URL specified in add-on = domainname.com, any subdomains of domainname.com will match this.

Version Information
1.0.0 - Initial release ported from 3.6 version

product-ddds37.xml supports a single additional domain
product-ddds37_5-domain-version.xml supports one to five additional domains