2nd time of starting from scratch.


I have redone a website again, as I was using slices and a table, but the layout messed up in some browsers. So this time I laid it out by hand and have even made it validate to Transitional 4.01 standard.<br />
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Now everything looks perfect on my mac with IE 5.5. (All the liquid elements are looking great.) However, looking at it on a pc with IE 5 seems to have some problems. Especially the contact page.<br />
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Please take a look at the site so far and see if you experience any problems. In particular the welcome/news/retromug/pashion4fashion/contact pages.<br />
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I'm not very skilful at coding so there may be an error, but they validate 100% 4.01 transitional.<br />
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Any suggestions on why this happens will be most useful.<br />
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Thanks<br />
<br />
Toot<br />
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nearly forgot the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.muggallery.com/welcome.html">http://www.muggallery.com/welcome.html</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->uhgggg why all thoughs empty cells? some browsers will not render those if they are empty. also you have to rmemeber that the MAC IE brwoser is very buggy so as it may look good on the MAC, it will not look good on the PC. so with that said, what is it suppose to look like? I mean you say it is perfect on your machinem, be we look at it from a PC and have no idea what it is suppose to look like.<br />
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but it looks fine in mozilla.<!--content-->Okay, here's 2 snaps of what you should be seeing. These are from the MAC IE5.5. As you can see there are no problems. However, on the PC IE 5.0 the red circled areas open so that the drop shadow effect looks like there's an hole.<br />
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Also the empty cells are there because when I convert layers to tables using dreamweaver it adds them to keep the items in line. How can I remove them without effecting the layout as each time I remove them the layout breaks up.<br />
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Here are the two snaps<br />
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Toot<!--content-->I couldn't attach 2 files in one post so here's the other one.<br />
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Toot<!--content-->I don't think you'll have to delete the empty table cells but I'm sure there's a better way. For now you can just use a & n b s p; in each cell.<br />
Derek<!--content-->He means nspb ;<br />
without the space between the nspb and the semicolon.<!--content-->:D I'm trying to edit that. Scoutt told me how to do that but I forgot.<br />
Derek<!--content-->it is not repeating. you have 2 choices. you can use css to make it repeat or you can make 206 a lot bigger to fill the empty space.<br />
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or just take it out altogether.<br />
<br />
<td valign="top" colspan="8" height="4" style="background-repeat: repeat-x"><br />
<br />
do that instead.<!--content-->