I register these domains 2012olympiads.com .net .co.uk and i will like to sell them but first i asked London 2012 if they would like to acquire these domains.Here what they answer me"
Dear Claude,
Unfortunately at the moment we are not permitted by the IOC or by the British Olympic Association to grant any rights to anyone to use the Olympic Brand (Olympic rings, London 2012 logo, 慜lympic?wording and phrases) in a commercial context. As such, we cannot permit any use of [our logo] or any association by companies with the Games at the moment.
london 2012 is obliged to protect the Olympic Brand in order to raise the funds needed to host the 2012 Games. Unauthorised use of the Olympic Brand is against the law. London 2012 expects that everyone will refrain from unauthorised use of the Olympic Brand. If necessary, however, London 2012 is prepared to take
in order to protect the Olympic Brand. This could include court orders for the seizure of unauthorised merchandise and the payment of damages.
Many thanks
London 2012 Ltd
Can anyone suggest me what should i do? I am not planning on using these names hust want to sell them.thanks,claude turbide
Dear Claude,
Unfortunately at the moment we are not permitted by the IOC or by the British Olympic Association to grant any rights to anyone to use the Olympic Brand (Olympic rings, London 2012 logo, 慜lympic?wording and phrases) in a commercial context. As such, we cannot permit any use of [our logo] or any association by companies with the Games at the moment.
london 2012 is obliged to protect the Olympic Brand in order to raise the funds needed to host the 2012 Games. Unauthorised use of the Olympic Brand is against the law. London 2012 expects that everyone will refrain from unauthorised use of the Olympic Brand. If necessary, however, London 2012 is prepared to take

Many thanks
London 2012 Ltd
Can anyone suggest me what should i do? I am not planning on using these names hust want to sell them.thanks,claude turbide