2 way data binding with flex 4 list and multiselect


New Member
If I have some xml, like a list of languages that looks like:\[code\]<otherLanguages><language code="fr" localName="Fran?ais" englishName="French" lastModified="5/30/2012 2:42:18 PM" whenCreated="5/30/2012 2:42:18 PM" baseId="2809988" included="false"/><language baseId="2809989" lastModified="5/30/2012 2:44:57 PM" whenCreated="5/30/2012 2:44:57 PM" englishName="Spanish" localName="Espa?ol" code="es" included="false"/></otherLanguages>\[/code\]And I want to bind this to a spark multiselect list, how can I make the items selected value bind to the included property of the xml element? Also, how can it auto toggle this value from true to false if it becomes de-selected?Thanks for any tips!