Hi There,
I realizes something strange in my site, I have to define 2 parts keywords, like immigration Canada, but when I check my key words with "submitexpress.com" I can barely find such key words, though I did use it several times in my article. my keywords is " bla bla Immigration" or "Canada bla bla" what am I supposed to do? because they are connected word.
Thank you What particular SubmitExpress tool did you use? Quote: Originally Posted by micoblanco What particular SubmitExpress tool did you use? Meta tag analyzer Maybe the reason why you're getting that kind of result is because your website and meta data were written in Persian? Correct me if I'm wrong? I really don't know if that tool can "know" other languages aside from the English language. Quote: Originally Posted by micoblanco Maybe the reason why you're getting that kind of result is because your website and meta data were written in Persian? Correct me if I'm wrong? I really don't know if that tool can "know" other languages aside from the English language. My site is in Persian. But how can I make sure google or other search engines can find my site correctly? You can check if Google is indexing your site correctly by using the site operator. You can view Google's indexed pages for your site HERE. Sorry, I can't understand Persian language, so I'll leave it up to you to determine whether Google is doing a pretty good job on your website or not.
Hope that helps! Dear Micoblanco,
Thank you so very much. Google indexed all my web pages but my problem is that when I am searching through my website to figure out density of keywords, for example is my keywords is "immigration canada" it is bot shown as it should be, it is turning to " bla bla immigration" or " canada bal bla ". I am wondering to know how can I do something to stick these words together?
Thank you i have the same problem Quote: Originally Posted by canadaexpert Dear Micoblanco,
Thank you so very much. Google indexed all my web pages but my problem is that when I am searching through my website to figure out density of keywords, for example is my keywords is "immigration canada" it is bot shown as it should be, it is turning to " bla bla immigration" or " canada bal bla ". I am wondering to know how can I do something to stick these words together?
Thank you You're welcome. If I were you, I wouldn't mind my site's keyword density at all. I would rather focus on providing exceptional contents/articles and incorporating those keywords on appropriate pages of my site.
For more information about keyword density, please see HERE. i recomande a website where u can find the density of keywords : seowebtools.ro - densitate cuvinte cheie - and here you put your web site , try to have density over 2% and under 7 %
I realizes something strange in my site, I have to define 2 parts keywords, like immigration Canada, but when I check my key words with "submitexpress.com" I can barely find such key words, though I did use it several times in my article. my keywords is " bla bla Immigration" or "Canada bla bla" what am I supposed to do? because they are connected word.
Thank you What particular SubmitExpress tool did you use? Quote: Originally Posted by micoblanco What particular SubmitExpress tool did you use? Meta tag analyzer Maybe the reason why you're getting that kind of result is because your website and meta data were written in Persian? Correct me if I'm wrong? I really don't know if that tool can "know" other languages aside from the English language. Quote: Originally Posted by micoblanco Maybe the reason why you're getting that kind of result is because your website and meta data were written in Persian? Correct me if I'm wrong? I really don't know if that tool can "know" other languages aside from the English language. My site is in Persian. But how can I make sure google or other search engines can find my site correctly? You can check if Google is indexing your site correctly by using the site operator. You can view Google's indexed pages for your site HERE. Sorry, I can't understand Persian language, so I'll leave it up to you to determine whether Google is doing a pretty good job on your website or not.
Hope that helps! Dear Micoblanco,
Thank you so very much. Google indexed all my web pages but my problem is that when I am searching through my website to figure out density of keywords, for example is my keywords is "immigration canada" it is bot shown as it should be, it is turning to " bla bla immigration" or " canada bal bla ". I am wondering to know how can I do something to stick these words together?
Thank you i have the same problem Quote: Originally Posted by canadaexpert Dear Micoblanco,
Thank you so very much. Google indexed all my web pages but my problem is that when I am searching through my website to figure out density of keywords, for example is my keywords is "immigration canada" it is bot shown as it should be, it is turning to " bla bla immigration" or " canada bal bla ". I am wondering to know how can I do something to stick these words together?
Thank you You're welcome. If I were you, I wouldn't mind my site's keyword density at all. I would rather focus on providing exceptional contents/articles and incorporating those keywords on appropriate pages of my site.
For more information about keyword density, please see HERE. i recomande a website where u can find the density of keywords : seowebtools.ro - densitate cuvinte cheie - and here you put your web site , try to have density over 2% and under 7 %