2 java scripts on same page..


Can someone look a tell me why now that I added different news scroll to the main page, the top navigation menu will not show up. I assume it is a code problem with 2 different scripts. The news scrolls just fine and menu shows when I delete the news code.I did have another news code that worked just fine but it did not require the code in the head tag.<br />
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Page with just the nav-menu on top (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.terrorists-are-cowards.com/contact.html">http://www.terrorists-are-cowards.com/contact.html</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Main Page with news scroll and nav-menu wont show (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.terrorists-are-cowards.com">http://www.terrorists-are-cowards.com</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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Would if you can post the code trouble and the fix here or just email me. If its not possible to run that let me know.<!--content-->Do NOT, under any circumstances, make your navigation JS-dependant. Users without JS will not be able to navigate your site — this includes SE bots, your most important visitors.<br />
Let users read content at their own pace. And with JavaScript disabled, your news scroller does not even appear.<!--content-->